Relyon Marlborough Soft Double Mattress
Relyon Marlborough Soft Double Mattress

Relyon Marlborough Soft Double Mattress

2000 Pocket Springs in a King Size Cotton Lambs wool Traditional Hair Soft Tension Hypoallergenic Mattress 2 Rows of Hand Side Stitching Air Vents Flag Stitched Handles The Marlborough is an outstanding double mattress from Relyon. This double mattress features 2000 pocket springs in the king size model. Pocket springs work differently from conventional cage spring units as they are individual springs that work independently from one another. This helps the springs provide fantastic support to all the parts of the body that need it the most. The Marlborough also contains a wealth of natural fillings such as cotton and lambs wool which will give you a supremely comfortable night sleep. There is an anti allergenic layer which makes this double mattress ideal for any allergy sufferers. The air vents which are found on the side of the double mattress allow the Marlborough to breathe, keeping you cool during sleep and leaving you refreshed for the day ahead. This Relyon double mattress is soft tension but we do sell the medium and firm tension models on our website. We have a whole host of bed frames and divan bases available which would perfectly suit this magnificent double mattress.

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Mattress Brand
Mattress Size
Double (4ft 6)
Mattress Tension
Mattress Type
Pocket Sprung
No. Pocket Springs
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