Deluxe Beds Memory Flex Orthopaedic...

Deluxe Beds Memory Flex Orthopaedic Extra Long Double Mattress

From Deluxe Beds, the Memory Flex Orthopaedic is part of a specially designed collection to suit those people who are above average height and require an extra long double extra long double mattress. Average size people can sleep on a standard double extra long double mattress, but for taller people who sleep with their feet hanging off the end of the bed, we can do lengths of 66 or 69. The Memory Flex Orthopaedic extra long double mattress offers a firm support and is upholstered in a quality and soft to touch knitted stretch fabric cover with a hand tufted finish for extra durability. Its hand tufted finish is achieved by passing a series of tapes through the extra long double mattress panels at regular intervals and securing them on each side with a cotton tuft. The benefit of hand tufting is it pre tensions the whole of the extra long double mattress ensuring the fillings remain firmly in place; resulting in a firmer sleeping surface. On top of the extra long double mattress fillings is a 25mm layer of Hypoallergenic Mattress memory foam that's designed to be temperature sensitive and soften when it comes into contact with body heat. The memory foam moulds itself to your body profile, eliminating pressure points and creating better blood circulation, resulting in a more restful and comfortable sleep. The support is provided by a 12.5 gauge open coil unit, one of the firmest used in extra long double mattress manufacturing and is made up of rows of hourglass shaped springs connected at the top and bottom by a spiral wire, known as a helical wire. Additional strength is added to the extra long double mattress border by a thick, rod edge wire that adds support to the perimeter of the extra long double mattress, allowing you to sleep right up to the edge without the sensation of rolling off. Designed to be one sided, the Memory Flex Orthopaedic extra long double mattress does not need to be flipped over, but does require to be rotated from head to toe regularly. Our range of extra long double extra long double mattress are 66 and 69 in length, but if you require an odd shaped extra long double mattress for a specific size call us on 0141 892 0308. We can make extra long double mattress to a variety of sizes whether its longer, shorter, wider or narrower, give us a call and well find something to suit your needs. The Deluxe Memory Flex Orthopaedic is ideal for taller people who struggle to find a double extra long double mattress, long enough to accommodate their height and keep their feet warm and cosy. Technical Specifications FEATURES BENEFITS Hand tufted Ensures fillings stay in place and increases the life of the extra long double mattress. Especially important for extra deep extra long double mattress Soft touch cover Soft and responsive and gives the extra long double mattress a luxurious feel 25mm memory foam top layer Body moulding and pressure relieving material that reduces tossing and turning and promotes good blood circulation 12.5g open coil spring system The firmest spring system used in extra long double mattress manufacturing. It is supportive and extremely robust and durable. Especially ideal for beds that are likely to take a lot of wear and tear Heavy gauge rod edge A thick perimeter wire that reinforces the extra long double mattress edge and helps prevent collapse of the extra long double mattress at the edges that are regularly sat on Easy care no turn extra long double mattress No flipping of the extra long double mattress is required (though we still recommend the occasional rotation from head to toe) Firm support The most popular level of support that suits all but the heaviest or lightest of people. The majority of our customers choose this support level.

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Mattress Brand
Deluxe Beds
Mattress Size
Extra Long Double
Mattress Tension
Mattress Type
Memory Foam
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