Snuggle Bunk Deluxe Small Single...

Snuggle Bunk Deluxe Small Single Mattress

The Snuggle Bunk is an entry level small single mattress from Snuggle Beds. This small single mattress gives a softer feel and is ideally used for bunk beds. The fillings are man made and the small single mattress is finished traditionally using deep quilted stitching. The Snuggle Bunk small single mattress is available at a fantastic price. This small single mattress has been specially designed to be used in a top bunk, the 10cm depth means it ensures anyone sleeping on a top bunk is at a safe height in relation to the side rails.

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Mattress Brand
Mattress Size
Small Single (2ft 6)
Mattress Tension
Medium Firm
Mattress Type
Open Spring
Mattress Depth
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