Vogue Beds Blu Cool Memory Foam 600...

Vogue Beds Blu Cool Memory Foam 600 Continental Double Mattress

Enjoy a more comfortable nights sleep with the Vogue Blu Cool Memory Foam 600 continental double mattress. This luxurious continental double mattress features a layer of High Density foam and 6cm of memory foam with innovative Blu Cool Memory to keep you cool on warm evenings. The cover is crafted from luxurious soft knit fabric and has an in built Eucalyptus insect repellent to keep the bed bugs at bay. Dimensions Small Single W 75cm x L 190cm Single W 90cm x L 190cm Small Double W 120cm x L 190cm Double W 135cm x L 190cm King Size W 150cm x L 198cm Super king W 180cm x L 198cm Continental Small Single W 75cm x L 198cm Continental Single W 90cm x L 198cm Continental Double W 140cm x L 198cm Continental King Size W 160cm x L 198cm

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Mattress Brand
Vogue Beds
Mattress Size
Continental Double (4ft 7)
Mattress Type
Memory Foam
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